Power BI connected to Dynamics 365
Dynamics 365 provides some reports directly in the app. But their number is quite limited and, besides, you can´t combine Dynamics data with other data sources.
So you can use Power BI - but how to connect it to Dynamics?
First you need the connection link, where your Dynamics 365 runs.
Go to Setting (if you don´t see it, you probably don´t have the admin rights - you have to obtain them), and to Customization.
Then to Developer Resources.
Let’s see what´s in Instance Web Api.
Copy the link (like. https://vyukaexcelu0.api.crm4.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/)
Go to Power BI and select Dynamics 365 in connections.
Insert the code we copied before.
Copy and in next step select the proper table. Then select it normally and enjoy working with it.