This article describes how to merge rows from all files in some folder - without working with them separately. Its my favorite feature in Power BI (Power Query) 🙂

We will use this folder that contains timesheets of employees.

In Power BI Desktop go to Get Data, select folder and find the folder with files.

Confirm and new query is created. But this query only makes the list of files, which isn´t what we need - since we need the data. Click on Combine / Combine & Edit.

Select, which content from all files should be loaded (it must be the same table or same sheet in all of files).

Then the final query, containing data from all files, is created. Off course, the connection is live and any changes in original folder (including adding of files or removing of them)  

1 Comment

  1. Hello, Thanks for the explanation. I have a very similar case but the sheet name is different for all my files. Do I need to rename all of them one by one in each file or is there a way to get the data directly? Thanks,

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